Thursday, 25 June 2020


A very popular 'GODMAN' was giving his discourse. People were in rapt attention and listening to his thought provoking discourse.
'I am God; I have super natural powers; I have come to cure all the remedies of this world....bla...bla...bla'

Those listening to his discourse were made to believe that he was truly a God personified person. May be, he is truly 'God'. They got a feel that God was sitting in their presence. So much effect on the audience about the discourse of the 'Godman'. As usual, before ending his discourse, he commenced a 'question-answer' session to make the audience more participative. He answered and clarified all the questions posed to him in a witty and humorous way. He could see that the audience liked his way of convincing them about him. Just then, a young man raised his question.

Youth: 'Respected Sir, I find a number of persons claiming themselves as God and having supernatural powers. Are you also one among them?'

Godman: 'Yes, certainly I am God. There is no doubt about it. I have supernatural powers. I have taken this avatar to cure the ills of the people of this world.'

Youth: 'Sir, the psychiatrists and psychologists say that by and large such people are schizophrenic and paranoids. Is it true? What is your take on this?'

Godman: 'No, schizophrenia and paranoid are mental diseases which are generally hereditary too. I see that you suffer from such schizophrenic and paranoid tendencies. I can cure you with my supernatural powers. By the by, have you brought your father also here. I can cure both of you.

Youth: Showed his fingers in the direction of the God-Man.

Godman: 'Where is your father?'

Youth: 'You are!'
