Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Introducing my Blog - What to find here

Why do we blog?

What makes us feel justice to spend time by logging in on the internet and jotting down stuff which may be very relevant to somebody, but just complete nonsense to someone other? Well you will not be getting a different answer here.

Like all other blogs, I intend to share information, experiences, lives and above all positivity through my blogs and my writings. With my experience in life, I have understood one important thing. We tend to believe ourselves and our understandings when somebody else also shares the same space of events and theories as you form in your life.

The blog is the best way to perform a Group Discussion. Anybody, possibly anybody in this world can google a few keywords and land into this webspace thats been created under my name. There will be a few of those who find what they were looking for, and will respond to my posts. There will also be a few of those who may disagree to my views, and will attempt to give me feedback accordingly.

Through this blog, I will hear those voices that would remain unheard to me forever, just because a physical distance seperated me from listening to their voice.

A single life is not enough to live all the flavors that we humans have created. That is exactly the reason why my blog will have no single theme of its own. My blog is simply and simply about life and its varied experiences.

- Santhanam S.

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