Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Ramamani (Wife) Vs Ramamani (Husband) - Mother Tongue

Many of us would have enjoyed watching Shri K. Balachandar’s TV serial ‘Ramani Vs Ramani’. It was hilarious and conveying simple messages. Here, I have tried one of my own and named it as ‘Ramamani Vs Ramamani’. My grateful thanks to this creative genius.

Ramamani, a teacher by profession was also a mother of two children. She was having  good reputation among her students. She was handling children in 4th to 6th  Standards. The Principal of the school was full of praise for her. In fact her daughter and the son are also studying in the same school. But, she avoided the Sections in which her children were studying. Come Evening and Ramamani (W) is back  home from the school. So too, her husband Ramamani(H) has also returned from his office.

A dialogue between Ramamani, the wife and  Ramamani, the husband goes like this.

Ramamani (W):  “To day,  I narrated good anecdotes  from Tenali Rama  and Esops stories.”

Ramamani (H): “Is it so? Sure they would have enjoyed.”

Ramamani (W): “Yes, Even the Principal appreciated me for my excellent way of handling the children. So, it was always fun when Ramamani  comes to the class, said the Principal.”

Ramamani (W): “In appreciation, she has issued me  a letter of appreciation too. I will just read out one para from it.”
“With a stare on her face, she addressed her husband. Are you listening?

Ramamani (H): “ I am prepared to listen. But, you must tell me what the message was from the Principal!”

Ramamani (W): “Listen, and she continued to read the para. ” Ramamani with all love and affection  handled each of the students  with great care and smooth voice.   Each child  was  moulded  well disciplined  one  and well behaved. Such was her patience.  She allowed them freedom to explore and encouraged them to come up with creative ideas. The parents of the children studying under Ramamani’s care were full of praise.”

Ramamani (H): “I see!”

Ramamani (W): Apparently annoyed, she raised her voice and asked, “It appears you are not appreciative of my work recognised by my Principal.”

Ramamani (H): “No, no, you richly deserve this.”

Ramamani (W): “Thanks for your compliments, saying so, she rushed out of his sight.”

Arya, the son was playing with toys, watching and playing video games, ignoring his homework.

Avanyaa, the daughter was running all over the places inside the house testing the patience of her mother. Suddenly, there was silence. She was not seen anywhere in the hall.

Ramamani(W): “If you do not finish the homework in another fifteen minutes, Arya I will bash you, And no dinner for you; I will stop you from basket ball coaching.”  Banging the vessel in the hand over kitchen table reflecting her anger,  her  shrilled voice with stern warning to her son came  from the kitchen where she was engaged in cooking the dinner.

Avanya , the daughter, sitting silently in the small bed room,  was watching videos, playing games using Appa’s mobile.

Ramamani (W): “Avanya, stop using Appa mobile immediately;  otherwise I will stop you from going to school. He also does not have any responsibility,” another round of warning shot at the daughter this time.

Ramamani (H): “Why are you yelling Ramamani?, said in a feeble voice fearing similar treatment for  him too.”

Ramamani (W): “You don’t know anything about management of children; better keep quiet,” she shot back with the same vigour.”

Ramamani (H): Fearing that he will also be bashed by his wife, just murmured, “Oh, is this called Mother Tongue?” 

Komacha (Santhanam)

1 comment:

  1. sir superb writeup . I can visualise this happening in every second or third house...Of course she deserves some praise right!!!!!!!....what if husband does some முகஸ்துதி....and he would have got some hot bhajis for his breakfast/evening snacks...
